Marine Sustainability - Online Course

Our Introduction to Marine Sustainability course teaches you the basics of sustainability, how to inspire change and promote responsible marine practices.

Understanding the principles of sustainability is the first step, but the real challenge lies in inspiring others to adopt environmentally responsible behaviours in everyday life and business. This course provides practical tools to help you achieve sustainable change.


Course Overview

Free of Charge

This introductory course is free of charge, making it an easy way to educate yourself and your staff.


Our online format allows you and your staff to access course content anywhere and learn on the go.

1.5 Hours

Quick, concise and simple, making learning easy to understand and fit into your schedule.

English and Croatian

Available in both Croatian and English, allowing you to learn in your preferred language.


This course is for students and those passionate about inspiring change, offering career advancement opportunities.

Yacht & Marine Employees

This course is also for yacht charter and marine employees in the nautical industry starting their sustainability journey.

Course Takeaways
  • Principles of sustainability and challenges
  • Relationship between humans, seas and oceans
  • An understanding of the interconnection between oceans, climate, and weather
  • Key factors impacting climate change as well as its consequences
  • Sea waste and main pollution threats
  • Importance of a sustainable tourism approach
Course Chapters
  • The Importance of Seas and Oceans
  • Marine Sustainability and Its Challenges
  • Climate Change
  • Sea Waste
  • Sustainable Tourism
  • What Can You Do?

As a marine business professional, I thought I knew most, if not all of this. I was wrong. I learned a lot. This initiative should be hugely expanded.

Nigel James, 2025

Very simple, very user-friendly and a great way to get concentrated info on the subject!

Vagelis Baxevanis, 2025

This concise course gives a great introduction and overview of the issues plaguing our oceans; how it affects all of us; the history of the problem; and potential solutions.

Karen Willoughby, 2024


Anyone interested in making marine sustainability an important part of their organisation or everyday life.

There are no prerequisites. This course is open to students of all backgrounds. The course is available in English and Croatian.

The course is open to all students, however for ease of understanding, we would recommend students 15+.

Please contact [email protected].

Well done! If you want to engage in environmentally friendly activities or support Green Sail work, please email [email protected].


Achieved So Far


Yachts Flying Our Flag


Partner Companies


Educated Students

